AGEP National Research Conference 2021
National Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) awardees develop, implement and study, via integrated educational and social science research, Alliance models to transform the dissertator phase of doctoral education, postdoctoral training and/or faculty advancement, of those that hold historically underrepresented racial identities in STEM and STEM education careers.
The AGEP National Research Conference held virtually will advance knowledge about initiatives that can be sustained, institutionalized and scaled at US universities and colleges to advance URM graduate students, postdoctoral scholars and faculty in STEM and STEM education academic professions.
This convening will bring together hundreds of AGEP and non-AGEP awardees in a series of conference settings throughout the spring and summer of 2021. The goals of the conference series are to:
-- disseminate, adopt and adapt research findings, tools, and program resources generated by AGEP Alliances;
-- identify strategies that will position AGEP-funded projects for sustained impact and institutional change;
-- provide an interactive conference format that supports participant learning, builds their connections to colleagues across the AGEP Alliance network, and creates a foundation from which they can take future action within their Alliance.